Sunday 7 July 2013

Here comes the Summer

Well the sun is out here.
This may be the next step into the unknown. Some momentous decisions have been made and the seeds may soon be sown for the next adventures in jewellfelt.

I am going to make a concerted effort to try and build up my online presence. Jewellfelt gets some lovely comments, now need the sales!

Anyway got plans to make for little girl's birthday this week.
I've got plans for the tennis this afternoon, but hear that there might be a 1D tribute act playing in the park- so guess where we'll be heading. Oh to be 10 again.

Friday 2 September 2011

End of the Summer

Can you believe it is the end of the Summer holidays already.
Am I glad the children are back at school next week. They have spent far too much time together and the pressure cooker is starting to blow.

Have started to make some new items for Winter, but don't want to let Summer go just yet. So have needle felted a summery kindle case, I like it, but not sure how well received it will be.
Finally found a cheap bamboo blind at a car boot- It's a six footer, so may be doing some large pieces. Must get some photos of wall hanging. 'Grandad's garden'. Not sure what to do with it. Think it might just be too big- so it may morph into a fantastic bag.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Welcome to my world

just dipping my toe into the world of blogging, and of selling.

Jewellfelt is my site to show you some of the felty creations I have made.
Please check back regularly to see what I have been doing.